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EngiExpo 2022 – Mirror ERP in Ahmedabad

21 December, 2022

Our second trade fair for the Mirror ERP™ product. The EngiExpo 2022 is a great place where a lot of Machine Tool Makers from Gujarat assemble every year. It allowed us to showcase Mirror ERP in Ahmedabad and explore the engineering industry there. The vast diversity of both the engineering and service industry in Ahmedabad is amazing. We were overwhelmed by the amazing response and interest in our product.

EngiExpo 2022 - Mirror ERP in Ahmedabad
EngiExpo 2022 - Ahmedabad

The Engineering Industry in Ahmedabad is vast with a lot of diverse products being made. The vibrant Pharma and Machine Industry in Ahmedabad is a sector where Mirror ERP™ can add great value. The supply-chain problems faced by machine manufacturers while managing the procurement of different components of the machines and also organizing all the job works can be greatly eased by using the Order Management Module from Mirror ERP™. The industry definitely needs a technology solution that is easy to use and also enables them to have real-time information dashboards to track all their deliveries, process, and vendors.

Mirror ERP™ for manufacturing companies has an extensive Time and Action plan feature. It allows the owners to generate an extensive date-wise plan for the entire company. The plan includes the delivery of raw materials, the completion of job works, and also the completion of processes in order to ship a particular product.

We are confident of adding great value to the companies in Ahmedabad with our cutting-edge technology solution Mirror ERP™.

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