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Customer Story: Home Designers

01 March, 2022

Home Designers is a Handicraft Export Unit in Jodhpur Rajasthan.

Home Designers specializes in reusing materials and building newer designer pieces from them.

They are a constantly innovative company that needs to balance innovation and operations in order to remain profitable.

What do they use Mirror ERP for?

They use Mirror ERP to manage the following operations

  • Maintaining a large product database
  • Managing the supply chain and communication with supplies

What have been the benefits?

Using Mirror ERP they have been able to achieve the following advantages

  • As their product portfolio grows, they are able to maintain a lot of products and their variants in the system
  • Conveying the details and variations of all the products to the suppliers has become extremely easy and error-free (read stress-free)
  • They have been able to bring in their shipping time and meet deadlines with ease.

Cities We Serve!

Business Software ERP in Jodhpur
Business Software ERP in Jaipur
Business Software ERP in Udaipur
Business Software ERP in Moradabad
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