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08 May, 2023
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What is meant by process deviation tracking?

08 May, 2023

Process deviation tracking is a crucial aspect of business management software, especially for ERP software companies in Jodhpur like Panipuri Soft. Their flagship product, Mirror ERP, offers features that allow businesses to track deviations from their standard operating procedures (SOPs). In this article, we will discuss the importance of process deviation tracking and how it can help businesses identify and correct inefficiencies in their processes.

Process deviation tracking involves monitoring the actual production process and comparing it to the standard operating procedures established by the business. When there is a deviation from the SOP, it is recorded, and the reasons for the deviation are identified. The information collected through this process can be used to identify inefficiencies and opportunities for improvement.

One of the significant benefits of process deviation tracking is that it allows businesses to identify and correct inefficiencies in their processes. For example, a manufacturing business may identify that a specific machine is frequently causing deviations from the SOP. This information can be used to identify the underlying cause of the deviation, such as a need for maintenance or a need to update the SOP.

Furthermore, process deviation tracking can help businesses identify trends in their production processes. For example, a business may notice that deviations are more likely to occur during specific shifts or on specific days of the week. This information can be used to optimize production schedules and allocate resources more efficiently.

In addition to identifying inefficiencies and trends, process deviation tracking can also help businesses ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. By tracking deviations from SOPs, businesses can demonstrate that they are operating in compliance with regulations and can quickly identify areas of non-compliance.

Finally, process deviation tracking can help businesses improve their overall production quality. By identifying and correcting inefficiencies in their processes, businesses can reduce waste, increase production quality, and improve customer satisfaction.

In conclusion, process deviation tracking is a crucial aspect of business management software that allows businesses to identify inefficiencies in their production processes. ERP software companies in Jodhpur, like Panipuri Soft, offer solutions like Mirror ERP that allow businesses to track deviations from their SOPs. By using process deviation tracking to identify and correct inefficiencies, businesses can optimize their production efficiency, ensure compliance with regulations, and improve production quality.

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